Friday, December 4, 2009

Other than Almay, please recommend a good hypoallergenic deodorant.?

I used to use Almay's hyperallergenic deodorant. But I've noticed that it seems different lately - doesn't feel the same nor does it seem to work as well. I called the company and they confirmed that they changed the main ingredient.

What's a different hypoallergenic deodorant you recommend?Other than Almay, please recommend a good hypoallergenic deodorant.?
Crystal deoderants are great! It is a rock that you wet, and rub on your underarms, hyper allergenic and completely natrual! Little bit expensive, but worth it!Other than Almay, please recommend a good hypoallergenic deodorant.?
I have really sensitive skin, and Dove works really great for me!
I used to get break-outs from everything I used under my arms. I couldn't even shave because the rashes were so bad. Now I just use a mixture of witch hazel and vanilla from a recipe I found in the Sunflower Naturals Non-Toxic Body Care book.

Just put a tablespoon of vanilla, or a few drops of cologne, in a small spray bottle filled with witch hazel. I don't have any breakouts from deodorant anymore. And the spray can be used all the time in about two seconds.

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